The poetry festival Cabudanne de sos poetas – September of Poets is held every year on the first weekend of September in Seneghe, a small village of about 1,800 inhabitants in west-central Sardinia. It was born in 2005 from the will of a municipal administration led by Salvatore Cubeddu, the support of the Sardinian Region and in particular the President of the Council Renato Soru, the creative contribution of a number of Sardinian writers, Flavio Soriga, Luciano Marrocu, Bruno Tognolini, Paola Soriga, and the adhesion of the cultural association Perda Sonadora chaired by Mario Cubeddu since its founding in April 2000, which has been entrusted with the administrative and organizational responsibility of the event since the first year.

One year later, the Sardinian Region stabilised the contributions to literary festivals with a special support law. The event aimed to promote the reading of contemporary poetry by presenting the works of major Italian poets and those of important foreign authors to the public.

Over the years, the following have been present at Seneghe: Franco loi, Antonella Anedda, Mariangela Gualtieri, Maurizio Cucchi, Ida Vallerugo, Milo De Angelis, Patrizia Valduga, Umberto Fiori, Franco Marcoaldi, Vivian Lamarque, Laura Pugno, Valentino Zeichen, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Francesco Ottonello, Brunello Cucinelli, Elisa Biagini, Franco Buffoni, Silvia Brè, Roberta Dapunt, Valerio Magrelli, and many others. There was a large number of foreign poets from France, England, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Brazil, Turkey, Kurdistan, Palestine, etc.

The festival also proposed as its basic task the support of poetic production in the Sardinian language, considered in the various places and situations of relationship with the public, from the editorial context to the improvised competition of extemporary poets, from other forms of traditional singing to the use of the Sardinian language in the most recent forms of youth music.

The Sardinian poets writing in Sardinian or Italian present at the festival were numerous: Giovanni Dettori, Franco Cocco, Anna Cristina Serra, Alberto Masala, Marcello Fois, Antoni Canu, Gianbernardo Piroddi, Bruno Tognolini, Giulio Angioni, Franco Fresi, Franciscu Carlini, Sergio Garau and others.

The artistic programme was not limited to poetry but included the participation of essayists, directors, painters, actors, singers, from Giovanni Columbu to the Echaurren-Salaris Foundation, from Bobo Rondelli to Nada, from Giovanni Lindo Ferretti to Paolo Fresu, and many others.

n 2006, a collaboration began with the Teatro delle Albe from Ravenna, which brought part of its theatrical production to the festival squares and, above all, took care of the theatre workshops that involved many young people, bringing them closer to poetry and literary production. From 21 to 25 July 2015, on the occasion of the EXPO, as part of the programming of the artistic activities of the great Milanese event, Perda Sonadora and the Cabudanne de sos poetas participated in the ‘Eresia della felicità’ project, promoted by the Teatro delle Albe with the Olinda cultural association of Milan, which saw the young people of Seneghe present with hundreds of their peers at the event held in the moat of the Sforza Castle.

The artistic direction has been taken care of over the years by most of the participants in the organisation; on several occasions, it has been entrusted to individual personalities: Flavio Soriga, Franco Loi, Mariangela Gualtieri, Roberto Magnani, only to return to collective management as of 2017.

In 2009, the Association Perda Sonadora won the EUR 14,000 prize announced by the Centre for Books and Reading in Rome, an emanation of the MIBAC, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, for the best Italian project for the dissemination of poetry carried out in 2008. Cabudanne de sos poetas was included among the six Festivals in Sardinia called to be part of the Network of Festivals open to young people promoted by the Ministry of Youth and organised by ANCI, led by the Municipality of Cagliari. Together with the municipality of Seneghe, the association organised workshops in photography, theatre, music, ceramics, writing, comics, photography in the two years in which the project was implemented, 2009 and 2010.

The tenth edition (2014) received UNESCO sponsorship.

The festival event was accompanied by a publishing activity that saw the publication of several books of poetry, one of poetry and photography and one containing the diaries read by Paolo Nori during five years of participation in the festival as well as an anthology of all the poets who had participated in the first ten editions of Cabudanne.

In 2020, the festival received the high patronage of the President of the Regional Council of Sardinia in recognition of the regional and national impact of the event.

Via Roma, 22
09070 Seneghe (OR)
+39 3516945958

Artistic Direction
Perda Sonadora Association

Organizational secretariat
Manuela Flore
Enrica Illotto
Paolo Solinas
Luca Piu
Ambra Floris
Alessandro Cauli

Press Office
Tam Tam Press di Paola Cireddu

Music consulting
AlterEvents Crew

Graphics and illustration

Site, graphics and layout
Stefano Flore

Social media manager
Carlo Marongiu

Technical direction of the festival
Luca Manunza

Stage managers
Nicola Piredda
Martino Pala

Logistics managers meeting points
Associazione Kumpanzos
Cooperativa di comunità Mussura

Transfer service
Naus Viaggi di Angelo Sanna

Video shooting and streaming
Terra de Punt
Swami Borgongini
Carlo Marongiu

Stefano Flore

Exhibition layouts and curation
by Perda Sonadora

by Verbavoglio Libreria Emmepi UBIK

Food court
by Chef Pierluigi Fais of the Josto restaurant (Cagliari)

  • Assessorato della pubblica istruzione, beni culturali, informazione, spettacolo e sport Assessoradu de s'istrutzione pùblica, benes culturales, informatzione, ispetàculu e isport
  • Fondazione di Sardegna
  • Pasta F.lli Cellino
  • SardegnaEventi24
  • Terra de Punt srl
  • Inoke
  • Comune di Paulilatino
  • Comune di Solarussa
  • Nabui società benefit
  • Comitato tutela Montiferru
  • Licanìas
  • Festival Bimbi a Bordo
  • Trento Spettacoli
  • Associazione Teatri di Seta
  • Ravenna Teattro
  • Coro Monteferru
  • Cooperativa Sociale gli Scapigliati
  • Associazione Culturale Ecomuseo multimediale del Vernaccia di Oristano
  • Mussura
  • Cantina Famiglia Orro
  • Fondazione Culturale Sardinia
  • Bottega No Made
  • Alter Events Crew
  • Il Clube di Jane Austen
  • Assòtziu Babel
  • Sistema Bibliotecario del Montiferru
  • Casa della Poesia
  • Bue Rosso
  • CAO Formaggi
  • Verbavoglio Libreria Emmepi
  • Oleificio Sociale Seneghe
  • QCode
  • Vox Day
  • SassiScritti
  • Nemmoso
  • Sardegna Teatro
  • Unione dei comuni del Guilcer
  • Ente Nazionale Sordi Sardegna
  • GAL Terras de Olia
  • Pro Loco Seneghe
  • Comune di Seneghe
  • Istituto Tecnico Industriale Othoca di Oristano
  • Ars Antiqua
  • Cantine di Neoneli
  • Su Recreu Ristobar
  • Entula
  • Liberos
  • Lo stato dei luoghi
  • InCoros
  • Gaza Free Style
  • ACS
  • Josto
  • Istituto Comprensivo di Santulussurgiu
  • S'Apposentu Bellu